2021 Calendar Preview

From Bob Tracy - Chapter Coordinator:

I’ve been working on the 2021 TRR calendar, primarily to get things settled on dates for multi day events (Covid permitting) so you can have it on your calendar and so we can then fill in with single day events for whitewater, new flatwater program, and women’s only. The full calendar will come and will send out to all when we settle the remaining multi day events. It’s shaping up to be a fun and busy season!  

This first set of events are finalized will be open to all who are interested:

June 24-28.  Deschutes super-regional (PNW plus Western (CA)) regions. 24th and 28th travel days, boat 25-27. Camp at the county fairgrounds and run river sections.

July 15-19. American River CA Super-regional. Travel days plus boat 16-18. May have option to add days and run some other rivers, and will accommodate those who want to stay longer and who need to leave sooner. 

July 30-Aug 1. Payette clinic and rescue Super-regional.  We will do this with a one day rescue training option with Les Bechdel, and two days of river running, or three days river running for those not doing rescue. The folks at 4D Longhorn ranch near Smiths Ferry will host us for camping and some meals. Should be a great time. https://longhornguestranch.com/

These next ones are National events not yet finalized and so will have limited spots for Boise participants. 3 (!) Salmon trips in August and Sept, and a 3 day Rescue Course early season.

The three day National rescue course will be in late May or early June, a 3 day Swiftwater technician course for 12 folks total. I expect we will get 1-3 spots. We will be using NAte Ostis from McCall and https://sites.google.com/a/wilderness-rescue.com/home/. He has ACA (and other) credentials, and with ACA training all but travel will be covered by National.   It will be at McCall, Big Eddy, or Gutter.  We will need to also have most-but not all participants be vets for this, and likely no more than 1 per chapter unless signups are light. More details hopefully in January.

The Lower Salmon trip planned for 2020 will be mid to late August. Still working on dates. 16 total spots. First invites will go to those who were accepted for 2020 (2 vets and 2 volunteers from Boise). We had a lot more interest than room for Boise folks for 2020. If National signups are lighter, we will see if we can get a couple more boise folks on the trip.

The annual National women’s only trip will shift from the SanJuan to the LowerSalmon, sometime mid Aug to 1st week Sept. Ladies,  let me know if you are interested (both vets and volunteers). Rachael Ward will be event lead, I will be assisting her with planning.

The Main Salmon National trip will likely happen (funding permitting), tentative launch date sept 13.  Details and applications when Robey sorts this out. Possible spots for a vet participant and some raft and kayak support.

As always, I encourage you to check both our boise and National websites frequently for any updates to this schedule and other things. https://www.teamriverrunnerboise.org/   You can also access the National site from our boise site.  National has started  some in line training, so check their for the Schedule.  Great and easy opportunities. Finally,  sometime in January I hope to get set up for us to have a chapter Zoom call, stay tuned.

Happy holidays.
